WordPress code

How to Filter Data in WordPress with wp_list_filter()

When working with data in WordPress, filtering is a common task that is necessary for displaying the right information to users. The wp_list_filter() function in WordPress is a powerful utility function that allows you to filter an array of data based on specific criteria. In this post, we’ll take a look at what wp_list_filter() does, how it works, and some common use cases for filtering data in WordPress.

Syntax and Parameters

The syntax for wp_list_filter() is simple. The function accepts two parameters: the first is the array of data to be filtered, and the second is an associative array of filter criteria. The filter criteria array contains keys that correspond to the field names you want to filter by, and values that represent the values you want to filter for. Here’s an example:

phpCopy code$posts = get_posts();
$filtered_posts = wp_list_filter( $posts, array( 'post_type' => 'page' ) );

In this example, the get_posts() function returns an array of post objects, and the $filtered_posts variable contains an array of post objects where the post_type field is equal to 'page'.

Common Use Cases

There are many ways to use wp_list_filter() to filter data in WordPress. Here are some common examples:

  • Filtering posts by category, tag, or custom taxonomy
  • Filtering pages by parent or child page
  • Filtering terms by name, slug, or ID
  • Filtering users by role or username

Advanced Filtering Techniques

wp_list_filter() can also be used in more advanced filtering scenarios. Here are some examples:

  • Combining filters with logical operators (e.g., AND, OR)
  • Customizing the filter criteria with a callback function
  • Using wp_list_pluck() to filter an array by a specific field

Best Practices

When using wp_list_filter(), there are a few best practices to keep in mind. First, it’s important to avoid unnecessary database queries by filtering data that has already been retrieved. Additionally, caching filtered data can improve performance by reducing the need for database queries. Finally, testing the results of wp_list_filter() is important to ensure that the filtered data is accurate.


wp_list_filter() is a powerful tool for filtering data in WordPress. By understanding how the function works and how to use it effectively, you can make your WordPress projects more efficient and user-friendly. Whether you’re filtering posts, pages, terms, or users, wp_list_filter() is a valuable function to have in your toolkit.